I post mostly about the writing life, language, humour, funny things that happen in the library, interesting places, the odd poem, other poets, and occasionally about pop culture, current affairs, life experiences, dead ducks, men in capes, wombles etc etc
I have lots of ideas. I'm an ideas person. Sometimes they don't go anywhere - but stayed tuned because if you don't like one post, you may love the next!
I was only posting once or twice a week and keep posts under 500 words but would be interested in your views on frequency / brevity.
Having said that, this is my blogging ethos:
- If something interests me, I share it in the hope it interests other people
- In this, as in life, I will attempt to bring humour into it most of the time
- I love to pun and I'm not going to apologise for it anymore!
- I'm still quite new to blogging, and a bit self-conscious, so my posts aren't always as personal as some other blogs - yet
- I like to meet interesting people and get feedback from readers so I love getting your comments
- I take myself seriously as a writer and intend the blog to showcase my writing
- I follow more blogs than I have time to read religiously, but if you comment or follow me I will always visit you now and then.