Monday, 30 April 2012

30th April

This is a very special day.

All across Europe there will be a great merry-making . In Finland there will be widespread swilling of sparkling wine at fancy picnics...

in Estonia there will be joyful costumed processions through the streets...

in Germany there will be bonfires and pranks (which I dare not illustrate), and in Czech Republic witches will be burnt.

For today it is my birthday!

What?... What do you mean it's Walpurgis Night?

Yes, April 30th, half way to All Hallows, is a spring festival across large swathes of Europe. I'd have a day off and be celebrating my special day in an appropriate manner (which may indeed involve bubbly, processions and pranks).

Instead I am on a course for work. A bit of a jolly? No! Wasting council tax-payers' money on perks and incentives? No. 'Bring your own tea-making stuff' I have been told.


  1. Wow, it looks like the Estonians are really getting out of hand there. Hopefully there will be no injuries!
    Happy Birthday to you, and I'm sure the birthday tea will be fabulous, even if you do have to provide it! ; )

  2. Happy birthday! Perhaps you can celebrate tonight...?

  3. Happy birthday, girl! I'll alert the media on this side of the pond.

  4. Happy Birthday! It's great that a whole continent celebrates your birthday. Can barely get my friends to remember mine...

  5. Happy birthday - hope it's been a great day.

  6. Thanks for all the greetings! I had a bit of a feast last night after work so I'm feeling as rough as those Fins and look like one of the Estonians!

  7. Hope it was as good as it could possibly be! Where does that word come from "Walpurgis"? Sounds like it could be somewhere on the Wirral.

    1. Hmm, it does, doesn't it? But no...St Walpurga from the old English 'Wealdburg'. Wirral is from the Old English Wirheal, literally "myrtle -corner".

  8. Clare, You forgot to mention Queens day in Holland!
    Its crazy, everyone dressed in orange and everyone has a day off to celebrate the Queens birthday!

    1. I didn't forget, Mia! It was in the first draft but I thought it would confuse things and there was always next year.... probably!

      Hey! Maybe I should go to one of these places and celebrate my birthday properly!

  9. Happy Birthday! I had one on the year is the biggy!

  10. Thankyou!

    'the' biggy? How will it feel to be 21, I wonder?
